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The mission of Volpe Vista Missions is to provide online financial support to individuals and families serving as missionaries in Northern Italy. "Volpe" means, "Fox", and "Vista" means view in Italian.
Jobs are scarce in Italy, so Italian work visas are few and far between, thus all the missionaries in Italy live there on religious visas, which do not allow you to work within the country. Not only that, but we are here to serve the people of the church and bless them, that is our job! Therefore, all us missionaries rely on outside resources such as friends, family and church's to support us so we can fully devote our time to serving and blessing the people here.
Yes, you can designate your donation to a specific missionary. Our goal is to add the names and information for more and more missionaries who are serving in Italy and need financial support.
We've all known that places like third world countries need lots of missionaries, but a place like Italy? Do the really need missionaries? The answer is yes! Even though it's not talked about often, places like Italy really do need missionaries to come alongside them just as much as third world countries. They may not need to be given food, water or shelter but “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” (Matthew 4:4 NIV). The people here may be well fed physically, but they are starving for substance of life...meaning, help, love, direction, and so much more. You may wonder "but isn't it a catholic country? Don't they already know about God?". To which we would answer, "yes and no". Yes many people here identify as catholic, but for many of them their knowledge of God is contained within a building, it's heartbreakingly limited.
So as missionaries in Italy, it can actually be much more of a challenge to reach to people here, to break through barriers of who they think God is, and teach about who the Bible says He is. But we're up to the challenge! Many of us serve in the churches feeding new believers and praying for and bringing in new ones. Here is truly is like Matthew 9:36-38 says " When he (Jesus) saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
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